Monday, April 10, 2006

just flop

ahhhh weekend is over....i had a great weekend...saturday
we went down to friends and today got some time with just
my some scrap time in too..yeah! added 3 new
pages to my slide ------------------>>>

like really why wasn't Desparate Housewives on tonight?
did i miss something?

well im beat peeps and my butt is numb now so im gonna
hit the sack...argh...we so need a new bed! like really...
don't even get me started!


MaraMay said...

Dude are you kiding me?!!!! That flower l.o. is sooo freakin' 'hawt'. How did you do it? Like what are the big flowers? And that l.o. of Ky is soooo way cool! I lveo lvoe love the biggo circle and arrow! Like so RAD man! And loving the one of you and dh! Sweet man! You sure crapped out some really good ones didn't ya! Yeah Bay-Bay!!!! Lovin' it!

Laurie said...

oh mara dear ...thanks! the flower petals on "my flower" are by fancy pants..and that "soul friends" is not me and DH lol...sorry..its my best friend joe dude! ;-)
thanks are stalkin me to pick those new ones right out! lol...*hugs*

MaraMay said...

Seriously can't stop laughing here. I am sucha dork! Ha Ha Ha! Well so yeah its just sweet anyways! Love it! And I need to get me some fancy pants junk! ;)