Tuesday, June 20, 2006

morning peeps!! well last night totally didnt go as i planned....
i did my page... no title or bellies yet but boy does it ever
look like ass! yack!! i don't know where my mojo is but boy
let me tell you!!! grrrrr...so not cool! i think my girl S is right...
just chill and it will click again. it's so hard i want to so bad..
maybe i do need to just take a break and let the guilt go of
wasting time and not getting things done. *deep breath laur*
....ahhhhhh ok...that's what i will do....let it go.. ahhhh....

so this morning ky goes to get registered for school!!!
GASP OH GASP!!! my boy is going to school????? when
did he grow so fast??that will be an adjustment for us.
he is pumped tho and has wanted to go to school the
last 2 years! 8:30 to 2pm... yikes! so it will be my toots
and myself...she thinks she is going to school too-eek!

well yesturday was a slack day...today i will do
something constructive! lol...
off i go to start my day ~~~~

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