Monday, April 10, 2006

i love mondays!

it's funny - everyone usually hates mondays! i don't i pulse them!
a. it's a new week-new beginning- new list and goals of what to do!
---some get done and some don't! *rolling eyes*
b. i just feel like a freash cup of tea
c. they just rock ok!

my friend joe told me bout that corinne bailey rae
i love her voice! like's easy listening music...i love it..
it just refreshing and light and airy feeling to me...check
her out if you haven't thanks dude! :-)

man i still gotta cut that dang title out for my sheer elegance page!
GASP! it's working out tho i've officially started working on my
christmas gifts lol...this double big honkin a$$ spread will be framed
and i will give it to my brother and wife for christmas. yeah!

sooooo.....what will this week bring? i hope its really a great start
on it so far! would love to get some nice shots this week!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

lol...not 20 mins after that post the kids went ape on me for the whole dang day just about!!!! coudn't believe it! lol..i jinxed myself lol