Thursday, April 27, 2006

the wild

so ky and i had a movie date last night!
we had so much fun! we did mcd's first then
the movie
THE WILD! he loved it...knew some parts from
watchin the previews online..laughed we was
nice...mid way through the movie at a quiet part hes like
right loud "we are havin a great time mom aren't we!" sure others heard him. it was cute! hes cute!
i love my little man!


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

this and that

yikes...i guess i've been either busy or lazy to make a post! lol....
well my doll is still visiting nana' its been me and my little man and course
dad...had a nice weekened this past one....steve took the boys
fishin and out to friends etc...i had lots of me time...didnt get much
scrappin done my DT junk yesturday -yeah! so i wanna start on that!
3bugs in a rug are sponsoring us this month of may! woohoo! groovy!

i still have this hard craving for something so crazy its drivin me nuts!
i mean litterally i think i need some time alone and zone with no
distractions. i can taste it and see it but its like its locked. its makin me
crazy man! CRAZY I TELL YA! lol....

got the new cherry arte as well...seasons and angel....i won it from a contest
the DT was in - yeah me! they were all rockin tho i just struck lucky or something lol

so what shall i scrap today?
hmmmm.....k i need some pepsi if im gonna do this lol

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

yet another revamp!

i mean really does this EVER end???!?! i have just spent the last 5 and a half
hours reorganizing my scrap desk!! its lookin good i must say..dang maybe i
will have to post a pic! now my big tasks are:
a. sort through ALL my pictures! (scrap, album or toss)
b. sort through my paper scraps and my cardstock..ekk!

i should have it hollywood by then lol...yah right! ya just gotta be orgainized
to scrap i say! i have to have a home for EVERYTHING too or i go ape! lol

oh and i thought i was out of adhesive and guess what i found??! no really
take a guess!! yup! you guessed it! new adhesive! YEAH!
bring it on! i'm ready now baby! ;-)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

~~my CK toot~~

wowza! i got my MAY ISSUE OF CK dudes! what a feeling man to
see my name in print! *gasp!* thanks to my girl stacy for turning
my crazy a$$ in to CK!! she entered me in the "turn in your friend"
contest back in january and i made the TOP 30! YEAH! so surreal!

here it is our page with our names as she nominated me....

PS: well crap ya can't really
see my name just clickin on this..
but if ya saved it and zoomed it is
clear the 3 colum over and
the 4th one down. stacys is right across
mine ;-)


well i've had a crazy busy weekend here with my family here!
we had a great weekend! had my neice and newfew here all weekend
too...5 adults and 4 kids all under 4 and half!!

the kids had a blast with the easter egg hunt and their goodies!
ky and emma got new scooters so theres no more fighting over ky'd
old one now! WHEW!

emma is going back to NB with nana for a visit....eek...i hope she
makes out ok and doesn't miss us so much! i know we will miss her..
my little toots!

now that the weekend is coming to an end i will be gettin back to
my scrappy drunks - yeah! i have started on christmas junk already!
*gasp* I KNOW!
see you soon on the boards chickas!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

stupid girls

pink! gotta love her eh!! this song speaks volumes i say!!
i applaud her really for doing this song...really tho women
today are so caught up in the fakness of this and that and
everything! i say BE REAL. BE YOU.


ahh....woke today feeling refreshed and awake for once!
got a couple pages done last night ....watched prison break...
man that show is gettin soooo good!! mike is so dang hot its
should be illegal! lol...

today! today i got some cleaning done and now i am gonna
play....heather is coming over to scrap later and i think i
may start that dang title thingmabob....

~~3 little birds sat on my window~~and they told me that
i dont need to worry~~corinne bailey rae~
have a great day people!! :-)

Monday, April 10, 2006

so need a good scrap drunk!

well its bedtime and this chick is gonna go on a bender with my stash! i have so much junk in my head and i need to just get it out! oh it's there!
i feel it.
i taste it.
i crave it.
i see it.
i want it.
i love it.
i need it.

i can't wait to get this new book me...all FREE STYLE! it looks like it could be sick and i hope it is cause i don't really buy books and i hope this is worth it as my hopes are up lol...

i love mondays!

it's funny - everyone usually hates mondays! i don't i pulse them!
a. it's a new week-new beginning- new list and goals of what to do!
---some get done and some don't! *rolling eyes*
b. i just feel like a freash cup of tea
c. they just rock ok!

my friend joe told me bout that corinne bailey rae
i love her voice! like's easy listening music...i love it..
it just refreshing and light and airy feeling to me...check
her out if you haven't thanks dude! :-)

man i still gotta cut that dang title out for my sheer elegance page!
GASP! it's working out tho i've officially started working on my
christmas gifts lol...this double big honkin a$$ spread will be framed
and i will give it to my brother and wife for christmas. yeah!

sooooo.....what will this week bring? i hope its really a great start
on it so far! would love to get some nice shots this week!

just flop

ahhhh weekend is over....i had a great weekend...saturday
we went down to friends and today got some time with just
my some scrap time in too..yeah! added 3 new
pages to my slide ------------------>>>

like really why wasn't Desparate Housewives on tonight?
did i miss something?

well im beat peeps and my butt is numb now so im gonna
hit the sack...argh...we so need a new bed! like really...
don't even get me started!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

andy warhol

so i found this andy dude last i
needed to keep clickin to see them all! should have
been in bed already! *dork* anyway...i found some neat
ones that i like from him....i am totally digging the
cambells soup ones! lol...neat huh?
i think they look so arsty and
i want them! lol..its funny tho
i don't even do campbell's tomato
soup! yack! i gotta have my
HEINZ! cause it rocks my world!

out of the box!

thats been me today peoples! i have been working on
a DT challenge today and my challenge is..gasp! ..are you
sittin down? ok good! i have to do a ..gasp! ..12 by 12 DOUBLE
spread with the theme SHEER ELEGANCE!!! oh and add the color
purple and it has to contain a vintage quality as well.....if THAT wasn't
enough....gasp!! ...a hand cut SCRIPT title too boot!!!! is that
not the craziest thing you have ever heard?!?! *gulp*

it's coming along tho pretty good....i havent even started that
title tho lol...that im dreading eeekkk!!!!!

that's been my day in a nut shell in between tryin to keep this
flippin house clean....why is it so hard at times?
i mean really!!! i am ready to go on strike soon!!
k well i'm blogged out in a brain fart
all this thinkin out of the box
has wiped me out!! night!
ky and i made smoothies today...
here was mine.... why yes indeed that is sitting on blue CS! lol
well ya know i'm gonna shop it up to be all blue bottom before i
print to scrap! of course!! *ps junkie*....later peeps!

Thursday, April 06, 2006


why is it as you get older you can't stay up later?
i mean really i'm not even old..but if i stay up past midnight im
beat the next day. argh...whatever!

anyway its thrusday and weekend is comin and its a busy one!

the mic mac mall will be buzzin with CANADIAN IDOL coming!
i wanna go check it all out too! yeah! would love to snag some pics of
the judges or something...

i'm hopin to get some good scrap drunk time in soon cause i could
really use a good bender at my desk!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

ok ok..

guess it's time i get back to my blog! i really mean to do this
and just forget about it! i've only started like 4 of these crazy things! lol
ah well...check back cause ya just don't know what i'll post!