Monday, June 12, 2006

oh what a woman alone will do!

so ive got things pretty much put away...ok cept a few things.
well one was the fact that the washer and dryer were still sittin in
my entry way...well i was at 2 loads of laundry and being day 4
of potty training....wet panties and junk..umm yah!! i was startin
to get ANNOYED with smellin it walkin i do the only thing
a single woman can do...DO IT HERSELF! lol...yes thats right
i moved the washer AND dryer down to the basement MYSELF!!
i know! crazy! it was a little struggle but i got it cause i good like that!
*sarcastic* then i had something pop off the corner end of
washer...well crud...then to find that the double head dohicky things
where down behind the panel in the shuffle...and on other side of the
opening...soo i had to reach with my short ass arm to pop them back
in the now i hook it all up and now i have a leak...crud...
checked things all over good...get my only pliers...apparently i need
bigger pliers too....i did do a load tho and dealt with a little drippin...
its cement flooring and a drain right there. so no big deal. but now i
need to tighten and fix that leakin thing up!
note: no one was hurt and i had the phone with me "just in case" lol

tried to scrap really what is wrong with me? i can do
this without pepsi and smokes can't i? i mean come on! this is nuts! i so need
pics...only thing that really inspired me is a pick of my man chris...
you would think he of all ppl would get me a good funk on! but nooo mamas
gotta go scrap farting! grrrr...

so we went for ice cream with nana after ended up goin to her house
for the night emma to bed late tonight but ah well...
thats it for now peeps!

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