Wednesday, December 06, 2006

who's had a hump?

on the humpty hump?
k where is the time going?
i mean seriously the days
seem to be FLYING by so
bloody fast it's starting to
blur a little lol...
i put in my request to have
more hours added on to the
day OR our bodies only needing
4 and 5 hours of sleep! even
that would be sweet to have that
and be able to feel well rested
and function! seems like every
night i say to myself crud wish
i could rewind back 3 more hours!

it's begining to look more like
christmas around town now with
the snow! yeah! we have NEW
intersection lights in the down
town area! really big for my town!

i have managed to get a tree stand
still need a tree tho! lookin for a
good 8 footer and FULL! i got more
lights for it too this year. can't wait
to decorate!

made some muffins and chocolate
chip cookies yesturday..mmmm.
made a list of cooking junk i want
to get numbers for the
recipes too i'm such a dork!

i have been working on my moms
christmas junk so i haven't wanted
to post the pages on here. i did finish
a thingy i started back in the summer..
well thinking i still need to buff it up
or something tho...

1 comment:

ChrissyW said...

Laurie!!! i LOOOOVE that pic - it's so fun!!! -well done!!!