Tuesday, May 09, 2006

life laws

so i finally started Dr. Phils book LIFE STRATERGIES....
yummm yah..apparently i should have really read it
3 years ago when i bought it for myself for chirstmas!
well better late then never huh! time to take control on my life

peeps...need to make some life changes.

so im thinkin to have a yard sale and also declutter my house!..

rid stuff i really dont "need"....task it will be...id like to stack stuff
in the kitchen for it and its all together to price ...course thats
a can of worms with the kids too. ill have to figure something out!

well i better shake it off and scrap tonight..i am soooo in need to

print pics its not even funny. well i do have pics but not inspired
with them. so what do i do? pull out the ads in OPRAH mags lol...
here is a page i did last night. its just something i have always
believed and wanted my kids to know one of my things i hold true

to me.


MaraMay said...

Wait... Why you picking onthe blondes Yo?! LMBO J/P Girl! That page is kickin'! Love it! And is so true!
So "I wish I were there to help ya organize your yard sell. I love going through other peoples junk. LOL And we'd have a blast. ;) But since I am no where near you, I hope you figure somehing out. Mom used to tie us to a chair with dad's belt. I ain't kidding neither. Ya'll hear me? LMBO

Anonymous said...

LAURIE - miss you girl - let's catch up some time - hope all goes well for you (sale/move etc) - talk soon XO