Wednesday, July 26, 2006

this and that

hey peeps! slap me silly please! bad blogger i am not posting
daily! mara see your rubbin off dear! lol...

so i have been kinda under the weather the last couple days. today
i woke much better tho. must been a 24 hour flu thing. like really i don't
have time to be sick! *rollin eyes*

mmm lets see..oh my baby girl is now in her big girl bed!! yeah!
(not sure if i posted that) she's doing great..of course she IS my
girl! still doing great on the using the flush as well. i'm so very

ky...he is growing like a weed man! he has matured even in the last
few months a ton. he is soooo excited to start school! there is a
girl next door that will be in his class..her name is madison..she
is a cutie let me tell ya! so they can go to school together. GASP!!
where DOES the time go????!?!?!

so papa brought me some painting books last night!! he has a big
stash and is letting me use them to study and learn more on
watercolors and oils etc....i'm PUMPED!!! i also have a surprise RAK
coming from a dear friend that has some painting junk in it and
i'm dyin to know what it is!!! it could be here today! *dizzy with the
rush* can't wait to play!

today i have been busy scraping paint off the veranda...workin on it ALL
morning! still got lots to do needs some freash paint. i need to
do the sunporch as well and fix the window and all that junk. course
the flower bed is still yelling at me for attention as well! wonder if
chris daughtry is up for hire...hey he COULD sing to me while we worked!
lol...course his wife may not like that...besides i couldn't pay him good lol..
well i "could" but she probly wouldn't go for THAT either! lol...bad girl!

;saldkfjsldflsdafklsfjkldjasdjf now that's what i'm talkin about! big brother
was wicked last night!!! and will's speach!! lol BRUTAL!! it's nice to see
some heat on there!! it was kinda laggin!! lets play the game peeps!!
and rockstar...ok i could just go on and on bout dave narravo but then
i would bore some lol...dang he is hot!!! i swear he undresses me with
those eyes really great show too...yah jill's grinding was a bit much
on ole gilby first it was ok but then it got trashy....

anyha i must get back to work ....the kids are off with nana so i'm takin advantage
of time on this project.


MaraMay said...

Liking that song! Love them!
Sounds like you need to post some art around here girl for us all to drool over! I hope you got your package today! And YAY for Em!!! What a big girl! And Ky, going to school already?! Wow! Deep breaths Mom! Too cute bout the neighbor. That should be fun for him! Sounds like your hands ae full with all that house work. And you are sucha lil' nasty on all that talk about Chris. LMBO!!! Oh yeah baby!!!!

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested